The legacy for £70.000 has come from the Will of Mrs Dilys Palmer, Leeds, who died 14th October 2017 following a stroke in 2011, six and a half years ago.
Her husband Kenneth, who died on 5th November 2003 suffered from failing kidneys and for the last few years of his life was on regular dialysis.
Both Dilys and Kenneth were very aware of the need for further research into kidney function and disease, to bring possible solutions to those who suffered in this way. Kenneth ensured a contribution to the work by leaving a clear mandate in his will for money to go to the Yorkshire Kidney Research Fund. This mandate was followed faithfully by Dilys, when she reviewed her own will at the very beginning of her own illness.
Kidney Research Yorkshire also received a legacy of £32,000 form the late Miss Shiela Boyes of Bridlington.
Their very generous legacy enables Kidney Research Yorkshire to help continue to fund ground breaking research into kidney disease.
Research we are funding currently:-
York New Haemodialysis Starter Pathway – A Framework for Co-production in Shared haemodialysis Care – York Hospital
Developing information to help kidney doctors support patients making choices about conservative management – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Blocking BK virus entry as a strategy to prevent kidney transplant rejection – University of Leeds
The Origins and Development of Computing and Information Technology (IT) in Kidney Medicine 1979-1999 – British Renal Computing Group.
Kidney Research Yorkshire will accept applications for grant funding during two three month periods each year. These are 1st April to 30th June and 1st October to 31st December in any year.
Find out more about leaving a legacy here.