Help us by donating
Your donations help us fund our life saving research, this research helps us find the answers to deliver the best treatments and therapies and make a huge difference to many people.

Why donate to us
Every year an increasing number of patients are diagnosed with serious kidney disease and kidney failure. Our research helps us find the answers to deliver the best treatments and therapies and make a huge difference to many people.
Donations help us to achieve our objectives.
Approximately 3,000 kidney transplants take place every year in the UK, but around 5,000 people are still waiting.
Other ways to donate
Kidney Research Yorkshire Funds Clinical Research Nurse
We are delighted to be funding Chioma Nzekwe in her position as a new kidney…
Biomarkers for renal graft outcomes
Investigation into the use of peripheral blood transitional B cells as Biomarkers for renal graft…
Paediatric Research
PAEDIATRIC RESEARCH Kidney Research Yorkshire was left nearly £300,000 in the will of Mary Strang,…

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Make a donation and help us beat kidney disease.